Welcome to the Bull City – A Prelude to The Bulls of Durham

The Bulls of Durham living history book project began on August 2nd, 2016. Well over 100 Durhamites have been interviewed for the project, which intentionally reflects the beautiful spectrum of the diversity that makes the Bull City the best city. The entire purpose of The Bulls of Durham is to show Durham, North Carolina through the bulls’ eyes.

Apostrophe placement is important there.

Welcome to the Bull City” mini-book a taste of what’s to come in The Bulls of Durham living history book when it launches in 2019. Not only does will it tide you over until the big book arrives, this mini-book is arriving just in time for the holidays and at and adoraBULL 6×6” it makes for perfect stocking stuffers. Priced at only $15 you can knock out your holiday list without breaking the bank. And what better gift than a warm welcome to the Bull City.

Get to know the folks that are moving and shaping the Bull City for the better – school teachers, politicians, activists, business owners, artists and more. And as an added bonus, discover that in these tense times you live in a city filled with genuinely kind-hearted, intelligent folks who want the best for everyone.

Each interviewee answered the same six questions. Each question was intentionally open-ended to allow the interviewees’ voices and perspectives to shine through. While every answer was incrediBULL, unique and thought-provoking, there was one question to which every answer came out a ‘Welcome to Durham.’

What follows are just some of the incrediBULL interviewee answers to this question, “The Bulls of Durham living history book is done. Someone comes to visit you and this is their first time coming to the Bull City. Your signed copy of the book proudly displayed on your coffee table and you’ve got a page bookmarked – perhaps with an adoraBULL bull-shaped bookmark. They open up the book to your page and your words serve as their introduction to Durham. What is the ONE thing you want them to know about Durham right off the bat? No pressure.”

“The art and culture that brings so many people to Durham is made by PEOPLE; people who love, dream, struggle, and fight day in and day out to be able to create what they feel Durham deserves. Because they love their art and they love the city that embraced them and their gift.”

-Dasan Ahanu, Arist, Teacher, Advocate and Wealth of Knowledge

“Durham is known for its hospitality. Durham is where I got my second chance to really do what I wanted to do. Durham is a place where you can be whoever you want to be, just go with it.”

-Jeffrey Amendola, Owner of Amendola Cigars

“Durham to me is a very cultured auntie, who a brilliant as a kid, and also a little quirky, and then went off and lived this fantastical life of adventures. So this auntie comes back. She’s seen some things, and she’s that auntie that you’re not quite sure if she’s going to share inappropriate information at dinner. She had a little bit too much to drink, and she hasn’t had enough rest so she’s a little cranky. Then a person shows up that she doesn’t really care for. She might actually spill the tea, but she will spill the tea in the most amazing, dramatic, theatrical, artistic way where you’re like, that was so- ‘I’ve never heard anyone ever cussed out that beautifully.’

“Or she will show up with gifts, like random gifts. Be like, “Here’s this gift that I bought back from Madagascar.”

“I feel like that’s Durham. She’s just wild and amazing. She’s free. I feel like Durham, she’s THAT auntie.”

-Omisade Burney-Scott, Mother, Activist & Girl from New Bern

“Durham thrives because it is built on the pillars of diversity, collaboration, inclusivity and innovation. It is those four guiding principles that created Durham, that has led to Durham’s renaissance and that will ultimately guide Durham into the future.”

-Geoff Durham, CEO of the Durham Chamber of Commerce

“Love it and it will love you right back. Be good to it because it will be good to you. That’s what I want them to know. You get what you give. Allow yourself to just love it and embrace it because it will have already embraced you, or it will. There’s no pretense here. So, just put your ego down and just be open to it.”

-Kim Lan Grout, Mother, Disabilities Advocate & Force to Be Reckoned With

“The diverse history in both population and its economy. It’s not just tobacco. I think it’s really important to stress to people that the community was built on more than just tobacco. Tobacco was a huge part of a lot of industry that happened around here, but that’s not the only thing that Durham should be known for.”

-John Morris, Durham Native Keeping ATC Looking Good & Running Right

“We’re more than just Duke, and we’re not a part of Raleigh. It’s what you constantly get from people. Oh, the Raleigh-Durham area, right? We’re not Duke, and we’re not a part of Raleigh. We’re our own place with a ton of rich history and diversity.”

-Ben Neal, Durham Native & Teacher

“The first thing I want them to know is that they are welcomed home. I want them to open the book and feel like, really feel like “I’m home.” That comfort of- You know, it’s- In my head, I’m reminded that if you walked into the restaurant you feel like “I’ve come home.” It’s the same thing. Like, if you open that page, you sense this smile. You open this- You start reading and it’s like, “Wow, wow.” Not ‘wow’ that I was rich or that I made it big in business, but ‘wow’ because I made a change in people’s lives or I made people feel good or feel at home or feel worthy of something.”

-Caren Ochola, Co-Founder & Owner of The Palace International

“It’s the gem of North Carolina.”

-Jennifer Oldham, Fencer & Owner of Mid-South Fencing Club

“Try talking to everybody about everything. Because there are a lot of good conversations to be had, and people are pretty willing to have those conversations.”

-Saleem Reshamwala, AKA Kid Ethnic, Dad, Videographer & All-Around Creative

See more answers of nearly 100 interviews in Welcome to the Bull City plus get to know a little more about Durham’s rich history. This little book is loaded big-time with Bull City goodness. Copies are only $15 and come with a FREE set of warm-and-fuzzy feelings knowing you’re supporting making The Bulls of Durham living history book a printed reality that will showcase our city for years to come.